Get Organized Gal – 7 Days to an Organized Home Office

7.00 $

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Get Organized Gal – 7 Days to an Organized Home Office

A program to help you create your perfect home office – decluttered, streamlined, organized.

Over 7 days, I’ll help you deal with the practicalities of:

  1. Decluttering your office of paper and paraphernalia you don’t need
  2. Simplifying the way you use your office space
  3. Organizing your desk, filing, paperwork, books, magazines, and office supplies.

But I’ll also help you deal with the habits that cause paper overload and office clutter in the first place – so your home office stays organized!

Who Is It For?

If you:

  • Are drowning in paper
  • Need a better filing system
  • Can’t get things done because you can’t find what you need
  • Find your office has become a dumping ground for other household stuff
  • Procrastinate/feel unmotivated because the space is too chaotic for productive work
  • Fear what might be hiding under the piles of stuff…

Then 7 Days To An Organized Home Office is just for you!

We deal with the habits that cause paper overload and office clutter in the first place – so your home office stays organized.

Course Curriculum

  • Welcome to 7 Days to an Organized Home Office (0:53)
Day 1: Purge
  • Overview
  • Step 1: Assess Your Home Office Space
  • Step 2: Accept That ‘Later’ Is Never Coming
  • Step 3: Keep Everything OR Your Cool – Not Both
  • Step 4: Do A Home Office Power Purge
  • Step 5: Check In
Day 2: Space
  • Overview
  • Step 1: Create Home Office Zones
  • Step 2: Re-Allocate Home Office Real Estate
  • Step 3: Check In
Day 3: Filing
  • Overview
  • Step 1: Create Your Filing System
  • Step 2: Check In
Day 4: Paper
  • Overview
  • Step 1: Work Out What To Keep
  • Step 2: Purge More Paper
  • Step 3: Check In
Day 5: Action
  • Overview
  • Step 1: Sort Your Papers Into 5 Piles
  • Step 2: File Your File Pile
  • Step 3: Action Your Action Pile
  • Step 4: Check In
Day 6: Habits
  • Overview
  • Step 1: Adopt Habits For A Clean Desk And Organized Office
  • Step 2: Check In
Day 7: Tidy
  • Overview
  • Step 1: Remove Your Boxes
  • Step 2: Tidy Your Office
  • Step 3: Check In
  • How Did You Go? (0:20)

> Please contact our team if you have questions, or broken links via our email [email protected].