Get Organized Gal – 7 Days to an Organized Home Office
A program to help you create your perfect home office – decluttered, streamlined, organized.
Over 7 days, I’ll help you deal with the practicalities of:
- Decluttering your office of paper and paraphernalia you don’t need
- Simplifying the way you use your office space
- Organizing your desk, filing, paperwork, books, magazines, and office supplies.
But I’ll also help you deal with the habits that cause paper overload and office clutter in the first place – so your home office stays organized!
Who Is It For?
If you:
- Are drowning in paper
- Need a better filing system
- Can’t get things done because you can’t find what you need
- Find your office has become a dumping ground for other household stuff
- Procrastinate/feel unmotivated because the space is too chaotic for productive work
- Fear what might be hiding under the piles of stuff…
Then 7 Days To An Organized Home Office is just for you!
We deal with the habits that cause paper overload and office clutter in the first place – so your home office stays organized.
Course Curriculum
- Welcome to 7 Days to an Organized Home Office (0:53)
- Overview
- Step 1: Assess Your Home Office Space
- Step 2: Accept That ‘Later’ Is Never Coming
- Step 3: Keep Everything OR Your Cool – Not Both
- Step 4: Do A Home Office Power Purge
- Step 5: Check In
- Overview
- Step 1: Create Home Office Zones
- Step 2: Re-Allocate Home Office Real Estate
- Step 3: Check In
- Overview
- Step 1: Create Your Filing System
- Step 2: Check In
- Overview
- Step 1: Work Out What To Keep
- Step 2: Purge More Paper
- Step 3: Check In
- Overview
- Step 1: Sort Your Papers Into 5 Piles
- Step 2: File Your File Pile
- Step 3: Action Your Action Pile
- Step 4: Check In
- Overview
- Step 1: Adopt Habits For A Clean Desk And Organized Office
- Step 2: Check In
- Overview
- Step 1: Remove Your Boxes
- Step 2: Tidy Your Office
- Step 3: Check In
- How Did You Go? (0:20)
> Please contact our team if you have questions, or broken links via our email